奇兽、奇人、奇事。取材于上古奇书《山海经》里的神话传说故事,纪录片《山海经奇》自带中国人骨髓里奇幻浪漫的气质:女娲造人、烛龙睁眼为昼、羲和浴日、羿射九日、嫦娥奔月、夔皮作鼓等远古恢弘的传奇故事,都隐...大家都在找:山海经奇,山海经奇第一季,山海经奇纪录片2023免费观看,山海经奇纪录片央视,山海经奇 百度网盘,山海经奇纪录片2023,山海经奇珍异兽,山海经奇观后感,山海经异兽录,山海经全文
2025-01-09 21:39:57,最后更新于1月前


《Shan Hai Jing Qi》 introduce
A strange beast, person, or event.Based on the mythological and legendary stories in the ancient book"The Classic of Mountains and Seas", the documentary"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" carries a magical and romantic temperament in the Chinese people's bones: the legendary stories of Nu Wa creating humans, Candle Dragon opening its eyes for day, Xihe bathing in the sun, Yi Shejiu, Chang'e running to the moon, Kui Pi making drums, and so on, all conceal the unforgettable warnings of our ancestors; Those well-known heroic figures all contain the blood and blood of Chinese ancestors, which have been flowing one after another.Shan Hai Jing Qi"is a documentary produced by the Film and Television Documentary Center of China Media Group. On February 17, 2023, the film made its debut at the"Big Picture Watch Station" release event in 2023.
《山海經奇》 繁體簡介
奇獸、奇人、奇事。取材於上古奇書《山海經》裏的神話傳說故事,紀錄片《山海經奇》自帶中國人骨髓裏奇幻浪漫的氣質:女媧造人、燭龍睜眼為晝、羲和浴日、羿射九日、嫦娥奔月、夔皮作鼓等遠古恢弘的傳奇故事,都隱藏著先人刻骨銘心的告誡; 那些家喻戶曉的英雄人物,都蘊含著中華祖先前仆後繼的血脈凝聚。《山海經奇》是由中央廣播電視總臺(ChinaMediaGroup)影視劇紀錄片中心出品的紀錄片。 2023年2月17日,該片亮相紀錄·時代答卷——2023年“大片看總臺”發佈活動。
四川 2023-08-30 21:56:43